Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Post for the post god

Its close-combat, with Tau. How could we possibly lose?
-Sgt Indrik Latios of the Grey knights
Final words

Posts for the Post god!
So our friend, who hosts our 40k games, called in sick yesterday. Worst of all, he also cancelled warhammer night! What a jerk. So no I dont have any results of the armies I wanted to try, nor do I have anything to whinge about as far as warhammer goes, so maybe I'll just have to write positive things again.

I'm still seeing a lot of negativity over the latest ork codex, most of which I think is unfair, they have a great codex. In fact I think they would do well with some daemon allies. Chaos marines could help too, as it would be nice to get a few armour saves here or there, but it just means your opponents have some actual targets to hit with their plasma weaponry, rather than waste it on boys.

If you have the models, a 10 man squads of boys are pretty amazing for their points. Comparing them to cultists and just, wow! No competition. Not to mention the options for rockets and a claw Nob. And that points cost. Well lets just say cultists leave a lot to be desired.

You can easily squeeze 60 ork boys as an ally (or even unbound) and have so many bodies and a fair amount of tough 4 bodies to throw around the board. You can use them to soak up the overwatch before your daemonettes charge, you can sit them on a home objective and forget about them for a while.You can run them forward as mobile cover, you can use their missiles to bust transports for your other units to assault. Ork boys and Chaos Daemons are really going to have fun together. I cant say if its competitive, without the proper testing, I dont forsee it to be as you still lack solid answers to a fair few things that like to see play on tournament lists. But who knows. Maybe a list of lootas, daemonettes and screamers might be the way to go? I say meh, but GW says "of course it will work, just buy the models and see for yourself."

Im lacking a copy of the latest ork codex, so Ill need to acquire one before I can write a list, but this is something I would like to look into. I have had some success in the past with autocannon havoks as allies for daemons, but I think lootas might do the job better.

Also my screamers have not yet arrived, making me lose motivation for building screamer lists. Hmmm Ill get a list for you guys tomorrow, maybe ill steal a friends copy of the ork codex.

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